Video Game Ideas, the Empire TV Show

Video Game Ideas
While many ideas for games involve virtual reality as well as numerous additional forms of innovation, there is still some simple content many gamers would like to see in video game form.

Ideas for Games Empire TV Show Video Game
Ideas for Games Empire TV Show Video Game

Whether you are a fan or not, there is no denying the success of the Empire TV Show.  It's only a matter of time before there is an Empire video game, so we might as well start brainstorming.

The Walking Dead is one of the only shows with Empire-like ratings and they have explored the video game world therefore it is only right for the Empire TV Show to do the same.

Just when you thought you couldn't do anything else revolutionary with GTA, using Empire's storyline could be a unique approach to completely transform the game.  Empire character, Lucious Lyon is ruthless enough to keep gamers engaged and he also enables developers to go all out.

It will be easy for an Empire video game to include some of the best video game songs of any game on the market! While the best video game songs typically come from artists that have nothing to do with a specific video game, all Empire's actors seem to possess the ability to create amazing music.

So to all those amazing developers out there, we challenge you to develop more music video games. PaRappa the Rapper was amazing yet music video games can now be taken to the next level and Empire has laid a solid foundation, and the show's success can be used as a guide.  

Best Video Game Songs
Best Video Game Songs


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