Shenmue 3 Reveal reaction (GameTrailers Live)

Shenmue III's initial target was $2 million.  Once the game was announced during Sony's E3 press conference, it did not take much time for it to reach its goal.  The game set a new record as the fastest funded game in Kickstarter history.

The problem is we are confused about exactly who is funding the game: Sony? Shibuya?

Yu Suzuki released a letter explaining that the game is receiving outside funding but he states that all of the Kickstarter money is going to the developer.

Suzuki explained that he would need to raise $10 million to create a game with open world features yet $10 million is not enough to make an open world game that is worth playing.  The Witcher 3 cost over $30 million to make and then $35 million was spent on marketing.


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