Open Letter to Luke Smith x Bungie x Activision

Dear Bungie, Luke Smith and Activision:

It's sad when you realize you are not as important to someone as you thought you were.

In response to a question from Eurogamer regarding emotes that are only available with the collector's edition of Bungie's expansion, The Taken King, Luke Smith states, "If I fired up a video right now and showed you the emotes you would throw money at the screen."

In other words we are your puppets minus the strings? Are we just commodities that you can exploit for profit anytime you wish?

You will not manipulate me, nor will you control me Mr. Smith.

Do we not satisfy your needs? You do not even have to wait for us to get to the store to purchase your products since we are now able to support your games by purchasing them digitally, seconds after they are released.

Then you announce that you are forcing us to buy Red Bulls that we do not want in order to access content in a game that lacks content.  I do not like Red Bull therefore I have to wait until 2016 to play The Taken King?

So first you explain that you have full control of our behavior and then you present us with another inexplicable corporate gaming team-up?

"There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed." -Gandhi



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