Destiny Fans Revolting because the Company Wants Them to Waste $80: Red Bull Offers XP Boosts & Quest

Bungie, the creators of Destiny are facing a PR nightmare after a controversial interview with Luke Smith went viral.  In the interview Smith defended the price tag on the new Destiny expansion pack releasing this fall called "The Taken King," which will offer numerous new items.

The $80 Collector's Edition requires the purchase of the original game and first two expansions.  In addition, the digital and physical Collector's Editions are somehow priced the same despite the fact there are different items being offered.

Just when you were thinking about forgiving Bungie, Activision announced a partnership with Red Bull that gives bonus XP and an exclusive mission in The Taken King with the purchase of a can.  The timing could not have been worst.  Destiny is money hungry and can care less about its loyal customers.


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