5 Facts About Final Fantasy XV Demo Episode Duscae Xbox One

To get a demo copy of Final Fantasy XV:Epside Duscae you have to pre-order Final Fantasy Type-0 for PS4 or Xbox One.  The demo will not be released as a standalone piece.

The demo will be 5GB and will use the full processing memory of the PS4 and Xbox One.  The demo will feature about 3 hours of gameplay and take place in the Duscae region.

Final Fantasy XV is about 60% complete.  Developers believe that they will not have any problems completing the remaining 40% of Final Fantasy XV.

The full Final Fantasy XV map will be about 15 times larger than the map included on the demo.  The demo will also allow players to take on a Behemoth.

Final Fantasy Type-0 and the Final Fantasy XV demo will release on March 17 for PS4 and Xbox One.


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