Kodak attempts to reinvent with the assistance of Android

After nearly going bankrupt in 2012, Kodak has decided to reinvent itself by entering the smartphone market.   Kodak and Android will be releasing numerous products in 2015 including a smartphone.  Many people pass on digital cameras since their phone’s have powerful cameras that come standard.  Following the release of the phone, Kodak will release a 4G handset, a tablet and a connected camera.  Kodak’s venture can be viewed as payback yet is the company’s reach long enough to compete?

What We Want
Kodak’s new venture provides us with a great opportunity to tell the smartphone companies what we want the future of smartphones to look like:

Shatter-Free Screens
We have spent billions replacing screens and every time we break one we lose a little more respect for the phone companies that are forcing screen maintenance upon us!

Eye Scanning
Kodak should attempt to convince Android to allow ‘Eye Verify’ to debut on the Kodak smartphone.

Keyless Smart Locks
Goji Smart Lock introduced keyless home deadbolt locks and once the system is problem-free it will definitely take over. This could be an opportunity that Kodak can take advantage of!

Wireless Charging
Chargers are too expensive and we have made far too many tech advances for them to still be necessary.  At this point it is clear that wireless phone capabilities have been buried to allow the phone companies to continue to make more money! Save us Kodak, it’s your moment!


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