5 Google Glass Considerations

When you put the Glass’ on, you see a square in the corner of your vision.  It looks like a 25 inch display from 8 ft. away.  When there is a huge pile of dishes in the sink or an endless amount of clothes to fold, I’m always scrambling to find my ear plugs so I can listen to my phone while I’m washing or folding.  All my new music is on my phone so I prefer listening to music it rather than my stereo or computer.  I can also switch over to accept a call if I already have music playing.  Although the version of Google Glass that has been released is not equipped with Youtube, it is only a matter of time! Instead of being limited to hands-free mobile music, Google Glass has introduced the capabilities for hands-free mobile video. When you want to record a sporting event while simply watching it, Google Glass is your best bet!

Google Glass allows you to take photos, record videos, get directions, send messages, make phone calls and of course utilize Google and Google Hangouts.  The ‘Explorer Edition’ has been released so people can give Google feedback on their latest creations. The glasses connect to the Internet via Wifi.  It is also equipped with Bluetooth capabilities.  There are no actual lenses yet they sit on your face the same way a pair of glasses would. 

Separating capabilities.  Although I enjoy owning a phone that is capable of doing ‘everything’ I do not like having 10+ applications open at the same time!  Google Glass solves this problem.  You can use Google Glass for real time directions instead of having to rely on your phone/risk getting a ticket.

Hopefully you are not convinced yet because I may ruin it by telling you how much Google Glass is rumored to cost…$1500!? Hopefully Google will prove this rumor wrong.  The best phones on the market do not cost that much and they are capable of doing much more than Google Glass.


I can already hear the complaints regarding Google Glass and driving.  There will be some individuals that become so fixated on that square that they end up rear-ending the vehicle in front of them.


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